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Marko Shiba's profile

Marko Shiba

Hire Marko

Landing Page
Landing Page
Landing Page

From US$1,000

A landing is a crucial element in any online marketing campaign. Creation of a unique responsive design, visuals, and animations that will motivate users to take action, such as subscribing, buying an online course, buying a conference ticket, requesting a quote, or downloading a presentation.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Corporate Website
Corporate Website

From US$2,000

A multipage website is a more comprehensive solution that can provide visitors with a deeper understanding of your business. I will develop a corporate website with a multi-page structure, including a main page, secondary pages, and navigation. You can showcase your team, commercial offers, and brand story, and even create a personal account for different user groups to provide exclusive content.

Within 2 months

3 concepts, 3 revisions


From US$3,000

An online store can help you reach a wider audience, boost your sales, and analyze your business. I will design and develop an e-commerce website with a shopping cart, navigation, and payment systems. Then we can add some features such as an online consultant, automatic notification system, CRM cabinet for order evidence, and convenient CMS for interacting with products. It's possible to implement a personal account for different customer groups, which allows you to show users exclusive content such as news, events, promotion offers, promo codes, and purchase histories.

Within 3 months

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Prototype (UX/UI)
Prototype (UX/UI)

From US$2,500

Prototypes can help you bring your design vision to life. This is an ideal solution for demonstrating your website, app, or platform to your business partners. I can create a static layout or an animated prototype to choose from. Anyway, each option is adapted for mobile devices and has interactive animations. You will also receive a complete UI Kit and design specifications for product development.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions