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Choxue League - VI
「CXL 球學聯盟」是一個著重在學業與體育並重的校園運動聯盟,創辦人因為相信運動不只是運動,更是培養領導能力、團體合作、溝通與相處、多元學習成長中不可或缺的管道。在這樣的理念之下,球學聯盟第二年開始有更多的學校熱烈參與聯賽,也成功打動了許多相信「讓運動成為教育的一環」這個願景的支持者。

很榮幸在球學聯盟第二年,沛肯受 Nike Taiwan 邀請,共同合作進行球學聯盟品牌識別的重新打造。設計上以現代簡約風格詮釋,即便是學生賽事,也希望能夠表現出球學聯盟的專業形象與不斷突破。以「球」與「學」平衡並重的思維作為設計理念主軸,整體標誌的特色在切分與結合球與學的 Slash「斜槓理念」,於代表學生的書本與代表運動員的籃球中間劃出一道象徵平衡的黃金比例,強調學生運動員追求兩者之間均衡發展才是全人教育的根本。希望透過為「CXL 球學聯盟」這個別具意義的校園聯賽進行形象打造,能夠影響與改善台灣現有的教育、為體育體系貢獻一己之力。

CXL Choxue League is a student sports league that values both academics and sports. The founder believes sport is more than just a game; it is about fostering teamwork, leadership and communication skills, which are all essential in a multifaceted learning environment. With the goal of “Making sports an integral part of education curriculum,” CXL has gained many supporters who believe in the same goal, as more and more schools are participating in the tournaments starting this second year.

Invited by Nike Taiwan, Plugin B&V is honored to take part in the rebranding of Choxue League. The new design takes on a modern minimalistic approach, and the idea is to showcase a professional and innovative image of CXL even if it’s only a high school league. The design concept is based on illustrating the balance between  “Cho” (Basketball / Sports) and “Xue” (Book / Academics). The two icons that represent sports and academics are divided and merged by a slash, which is used to symbolize the golden ratio between the two and to further reinforce the concept of “Slash,” that sports and academics should be considered equally important of one's success and growth of mind. We hope to create a brand new and meaningful look for CXL, and to be a positive influence in the empowering development of Taiwan’s current education and physical education systems.


Client:必爾斯藍基股份有限公司 Nike Taiwan
Production:沛肯品牌視覺行銷 Plugin B&V
Director:賴殷偉 Ray Lai
Project Director:張菊芳 Jil Chang
Project Assistant:劉瓵妡 Yixin Liu
Designer:林瑋恩 Weien Lim/黃英凱 Daviz Huang
                謝秉融 Pinho Hsieh


