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How to Market a Product or Sercice

Whether you are starting a new business, developing a new product, or looking to generate more leads, marketing is an essential part of operating a business. Marketing has expanded exponentially in the past few decades, so there are plenty of options available for businesses to advertise their products and services and attract new customers. Knowing what marketing tactics are available and determining which will be the best suited to your business goals will help make your marketing efforts more successful.

Direct Mail
One of the most effective traditional marketing methods is that of direct mail. Composing a mailing list, designing engaging materials, offering discounts, and adding personalization (such as including the recipient’s name) can lead to greater interest in your business as well as increased sales. You can also apply the same tactics to email lists, allowing you to employ two different tactics for two separate audiences at the price of one.

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How to Market a Product or Sercice

How to Market a Product or Sercice


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