Men who dress up as females are called drag queens, also known as female impersonators but not all drag queens accept this term. The famous drag queen RuPaul has said, that he doesn’t like to call himself female impersonator because in real life no women wear such big hair, bright make-up or extravagant outfits. Drag is more than just crossdressing, it’s about expressing yourself and being able to change identities.

This project started as a drag scene exploration but in the process it shifted to being about changing identities and self expression. With drag queens still in mind, I wanted to experiment with makeup in a way that makes me feel good and represents my inner self.

I photographed myself changing identities visually and documented how it impacts me in other ways (feelings, attitude etc.). The final outcome is a set of editorials where I explored identity changes.

My aim is to educate people about the drag scene, self expression and braking assumptions of who can or can’t do drag, with a fun, engaging visual editorial series.
The final product is set of four editorials. Each represents one important quality for drag, through different characters. As drag queens are known for having crazy and over the top visual looks and characteristics, I wanted the publications to portray this not only through the photography but also design wise. The set of editorials are called “Drag Up” and separated into four parts.

Although each one of the editorials are different and approached in various ways, all of them have retained a consistent style – black and white cover, digital drawings interacting with photos, pink colour accents and all four publications are made like a journey from getting into drag, being in it and cleaning everything off again.
FMP - Drag Up

FMP - Drag Up
