Spaces / Adobe Creative Jam

Film lovers, content bingers, 
one and all. Watch this space. 

Connect with friends and family remotely, navigate with intuitive controls, and easily create a virtual space where you can watch your favourite films and shows simultaneously.

This was our entry for the June 2020 Adobe Creative Jam x Netflix competition.  We had two days to create a desktop app using Adobe XD, that allowed family and friends to remotely 'Share stories'.

Spaces is a social platform designed for 16-25-year-old film lovers, to connect with friends and family remotely. Distance isn’t an issue. Easily create a virtual space where you can watch your favourite shows simultaneously. Enable webcams to experience gasping at gory deaths or swoon at romantic love interests together. Navigate through the app using intuitive controls, including effortless navigation bars and easy access to friends’ profiles. The homepage acts as your main hub where you can create ‘Spaces’ for friends and family to join. Quickly access a library of film and tv shows from a variety of streaming services. All in one desktop app. Enjoy Content together, no matter how far. Through Spaces.

Adobe Creative Jam entry     Year: 2020

Thanks for watching! See some of our other work.

Mike Morton

Livi Vourlakidou
Ethan Elliott

Spaces / Adobe Creative Jam

Spaces / Adobe Creative Jam

Film lovers, content bingers,  one and all. Watch this space.  Connect with friends and family remotely, navigate with intuitive controls, and e Read More
