Dispersion Publication

After Poland joined the European Union in May 2004, Ireland was one of just three existing EU members to open its borders and welcome Polish workers (the others being the United Kingdom and Sweden). Ireland quickly became a key destination for Poles wishing to work outside the country; in 2004 a website advertising Irish jobs in Polish received over 170,000 hits in its first day. Currently, it is estimated that there are approx. 150,000 Poles living in Ireland.

The first part of the publication, explores the Polish culture and social beliefs and it's the introduction of culture to a new audience. By culture and social beliefs, it investigates the Polish migration and the reasons behind it. The last part of the publication is based on the history of Polish migration to Ireland.




After Poland joined the European Union in May 2004, Ireland was one of just three existing EU members to open its borders and welcome Polish work Read More
