I've always had an inclination towards poster/magazine design. Showcasing my first poster with the iconic, Audrey Hepburn.
Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, she was ranked by the American Film Institute as the third-greatest female screen legend in Golden Age Hollywood, and was inducted into the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame.
Did you expect to see this? Well, I did when I searching for an inspiration to make something new. 
As I was searching, I stumbled upon a book called Marken Zeichen Signete, from the post imperial phase of Germany, consisting a collection of trademarks, company logos and signs from a fictitious reunification period. 
Upon seeing the cover of the book I realised that it showed a system of creating an illusion of depth on a flat surface called Linear Perspective. 
Filippo Brunelleschi, an Italian Renaissance Architect rediscovered Linear Perspective which was used for building the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (the Duomo) in Florence, with the aid of machines that he invented specifically for the project.
Ayn Rand held that art is a “re-creation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value judgements.” By its nature, therefore, a novel (like a statue or a symphony) does not require or tolerate an explanatory preface; it is a self contained universe, aloof from commentary, beckoning the reader to enter, perceive and respond.
-Leonard Peikoff
Ever harnessed the world of fictional philosophies?
It turns out they can leave a direct impact on how you perceive the world. 
I’m sure most of you might be familiar with the greek myth where a Titan, as the greek mythology suggests was to bear the weight of the heavens on his shoulders as punishment by Zeus. 
Atlas Shrugged, a modern classic Ayn Rand bestseller makes us think of what would happen to the world if the prime movers go on strike, in a compelling way. Through her words, she shows how desperately the world needs prime movers, and how viciously it treats them. 
What would happen to the world if for one moment, they decided they did not wish to be damned for bearing the weight of the world?
Happy Pride Month 🌈🏳️‍🌈💐

This #PrideMonth, I want to pay tribute to Alan Turing for his coup during the 2nd World War. 
From super brain to supercomputers

A few months back, I saw a movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch. I was profoundly intrigued by the machine invented to break the #German enigma code by the British Intelligence Service during World War II. 

The Imitation Game is a biography by Andrew Hopes, based on the life of Alan Turing. Alan Turing is lesser-known for laying the foundations of the computer age and leading a team to invent the machine for breaking the German enigma code. 

Many people are not aware of his accomplishments because he was gay in an era when it was considered a crime, charged with gross indecency, avoided prison only by agreeing to hormone treatments, a kind of chemical castration. 

According to the @washingtonpost , his efforts to win the war remained classified for decades, lost his security clearance and then, apparently, his will to live. In 1954, he died of cyanide poisoning with a half-eaten apple by his side. The man who did much to invent the modern technological world may have left it after dipping the apple in the poison.
The world would be a different place had he not played his role in saving it.
Even though a lot of countries have legally allowed same-sex marriage, many people find it hard to accept the change in mindset and consider it abnormal. Don't let your incapability shadow someone else's right. 
We should not let the notions set by society define what we are allowed to achieve because we are capable of creating the next big thing that humanity was lacking.

Information on poster from @time.



Poster Design
