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Vivian Maier Photography Exhibition Product Design

Vivian Maier was an American street photographer. She took more than 100,000 negatives during her lifetime, primarily of the people and street scenes of Chicago and New York City. During her lifetime, Maier's photographs were unknown and unpublished; many of her negatives were never printed. 
When it comes to the product (merchandising) design of Vivian Maier's exhibition, the Estate of Maier hopes us to create items inspired by her photographs instead of using them directly.
Vivian Maier是一位活躍於五〇至七〇年代美國東岸的的街頭攝影師,她留下的成堆底片、超8毫米影片,她在生前沒沒無聞,直到一場拍賣會一只行李箱的重見天日,讓我們能夠重新跟著Maier一窺她眼中的世界。
在設計展覽商品時,基於對Vivian Maier作品的保護與提倡合作廠商深入思考作品的攝影精神,基金會鼓勵以受作品啟發的概念重新創作一系列的圖案。
You might find a form on VM's product, these forms comes from the bags of developing films. And I use them to mark the origin works' name, date and location. You might also find Vivian Maier's signature on it.
在VM系列商品中,會看到一個這樣的表格,是發想於底片沖洗的外袋標示,在原設計(見下方)中更加類似底片袋,在商品上面,我用這個表格來標出插畫的原作的年份、地點、作品名,另外上面也有一組手寫的Vivian Maier字樣,這是來自官方授權的Maier的簽名,也是一個蒐藏重點。
Design process
The color of illustrations comes from Maier's color film.
Maier is also famous for a series of photo Self-portrait. These photos were taken by the reflection of mirrors and glasses.
I wonder what Maier had seen in the mirror?
Client // Art Angle
Illustration and Design // Yesyo
Vivian Maier Photography Exhibition Product Design


Vivian Maier Photography Exhibition Product Design

Vivian Maier was an American street photographer. She took more than 150,000 photographs during her lifetime, primarily of the people and archite Read More
