Alicja Colon's profile

Better Co. Puzzle Art

Better Co. 

A bucket list item was to create the art for a puzzle. Thanks to Vin Thomas, owner of Better Co., that was dream came true!

Services: Art direction, Paper production, Set design, Photography, Retouching
 *Puzzle coming out in Winter 2020
Concepts and Sketches
This was a fun project because it was all about mood and vibe, not message. That’s certainly a break in the norm for me.

The first round was figuring out which direction we’d like to take: sophisticated floral, dreamy landscape, or pop.
After we landed on pop, we iterated. This is important part of the process, as it develops the idea and concretes direction.
Some of the creation of the final artwork was livestreamed. Go to Alicja.Live to see the videos!

The final image was named, “Electric Pop.”
What Vin, our client, has to say:

I have admired Alicja's work from afar for many years. So I was so excited that she was interested in working on a puzzle design for my small company. After our first call, I knew she was going to create something incredible. She has a creative enthusiasm that was at first a bit intimidating, but after a short while became confidence-inducing as I saw her bold vision come to life as a vibrant piece of art. By the end of the project, I looked forward to our status calls like I would with a childhood friend. I can't wait to release this puzzle and I know that our community will absolutely adore the design Alicja crafted for us.
Better Co. Puzzle Art

Better Co. Puzzle Art

This project is for puzzle art to be sold by Better Co., a modern puzzle company.
