Annvie Nguyen's profile

2013 CSHS Yearbook

These are some pages I did for my yearbook class. It was my first year doing graphics, and while I'm not 100% pleased, I proudly stand in front of my work.
It looked better 5 months ago when I made it. I would change or even remove the slightly awkward size/placement of 2013. The 2013 was a requirement for the cover (which I forgot) so I just slapped it on.
Title Page
Still my favorite page.
Table of Contents
It's... okay. From this spread, I learned the importance of photo placement in yearbook. I still don't know if I like the tint on the photos.
Student Life Division Page
Looking back on it I should have changed the color and made "the moment" more visible.
Student Organizations Division Page
Senior Division Page
I had to do a lot of editing to get the background to do what I wanted, but I'm mostly satisfied. The line of symmetry was less obvious in print, I promise. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything about the gradient.
Thank you so very much for viewing my work - it means a lot to me to even have someone glance. I know I have a lot to learn, so if you have any feedback, it would be appreciated!
2013 CSHS Yearbook

2013 CSHS Yearbook

Spreads I did as design editor for my high school yearbook. I can't wait to tackle another one next year.
