John Murph's profile

Sunrise Technologies Environmental Branding

C a s e  S t u d y :
Sunrise Technologies 
Environmental Branding
Established in 1994, Sunrise Technologies is a new-economy powerhouse that focuses on solving global supply chain challenges. As a partner with Microsoft, it helps develop unified commerce, flexible technology, global intelligence, and a tight supply chain for a wide variety of clients.

To commemorate its 20th anniversary, Sunrise moved into new offices, renovated from an old warehouse in the historic manufacturing district of Winston-Salem, NC – now dubbed the Innovation Quarter. John Murph was invited to help the firm design the new space with their own brand language – to transform an open, abandoned space into a branded environment that reflected the company’s personality and principles.
Sunrise Technologies Environmental Branding


Sunrise Technologies Environmental Branding

Environmental branding for Sunrise Technologies office
