Trump’s presidency has been characterised by complete apathy.  Whether it be the thousands dead from COVID-19, the immigrants deported, or the casualties of police brutality, the world has never witnessed a leader who has not at least feigned an interest in the struggle of their own people. 

It does not take a religious person to find offence in the image of Trump holding up a religious text, while we are aware the scenery of a police force brutalising his own citizens juxtaposes him. The sheer insinuation that Trump holds even an ounce of belief in a good greater than himself is a joke the whole world is in on; and yet, his complete disregard for truth, morality, or others shields him from caring. 

The rage of Black America arises in response to a country that has been apathetic to their slaughter for decades, but it has peaked in the face of a President who embodies this apathy blatantly and proudly. 

When I found this quote from Nietzsche, no figure seemed more apt than Donald Trump. A sinner? Motivated solely by power and greed he is the archetypal villain. Proud? Whether it is due to lack of intellect or civility, Trump could care less about the consequences of his actions so long as he is televised while his dystopia plays out. All news is good news so long as it is about him. Devout only to narcissism, Trump’s attempts to convince us otherwise are nothing but offensive. He is the proudest sinner our generation has ever seen. 



A poster of Donald Trump within a Nietzsche quote that frame's Trump as the proud sinner.
