Tomos Wilding's profile

One Minute Briefs entries - April/May 2020

In April 2020, as another creative outlet during Covid-19 lockdown, I began responding to the daily One Minute Briefs briefs through Twitter. In a matter of weeks I was hooked, had several wins and shortlists under my belt, and had applied to be a part of the One Minute Briefs board!

Below is a selection of my entries from April and May 2020, on topics as varied as light-up trainers, mental health, job adverts and the NHS. All the ideas were developed in less than a minute, (in the spirit of the rules!) and all the initial design work took less than 15 minutes per brief.

The brief: Advertise something using only emojis!
The brief: design a poster for Maisie Catt, a 10-year-old double-amputee who completed a marathon distance in her own garden 
and raised £10,000 for charity. I was picked as winner of this brief by Maisie herself! We also pushed to get her in touch with Nike for future support.
The brief: design a poster promoting and supporting the 'Kindness Challenge' as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2020.
The brief: promote the fact that the NHS remains open for urgent and serious care during the Covid-19 crisis.
The brief: promote light-up trainers!
One Minute Briefs entries - April/May 2020

One Minute Briefs entries - April/May 2020

Advertising and promotional projects completed as part of One Minute Briefs entries in April and May 2020
