Curt Thomas's profile

Always read the fine print.

Returner was designed as a simple, do-it-yourself option for international summer camp veterans. As a new brand, they were starting from scratch, and needed to convince customers to come over from other, more established brands. 

The Returner team was small, as was the budget - so the online marketing would need to do the heavy lifting. They had 3 conditions:

   1. Appeal to their niche market of experienced international summer camp staff.
   2. Highlight their USPs, or Unique Selling Propositions.
   3. Whatever you do, make it bold.
With a small budget, the original website for Returner included just 5 pages. I told Ryan, the founder, that we'd put those 5 pages to work. It was easy to see Ryan's passion for the brand, and the "why" behind what they were doing. It quickly became obvious that their story needed to be included on the website. 

We talked to Ryan to learn more about the influence behind his brand. As a returner himself, he expressed his desire to make it easier for people like him to get back "home" to summer camp. The underlying themes of the brand quickly became obvious:

A scrappy, no-nonsense startup, with a do-it-yourself attitude, taking matters into their own hands. Saving their customers money, by providing a quicker, easier travel solution. A desire to make it happen, because they were returners themselves. 

Behind it all, a simple motto rang clear: do more with less.

Upon entering the site's homepage, the benefits of going with Returner are made abundantly clear: potential customers will receive a lower price by doing their applications by themselves.

The home page header copy alone accomplishes all three of the conditions set in the brief; it speaks directly to people who are interested in going back to camp, it highlights the potential to save money due to the unique DIY structure of the service, and it includes a clear, bold call to action in "do it yourself."
Returner exudes confidence - and inspires it, too. This is a brand that knows who their customers are, what they want, and how to deliver it. The copy in the first block looks the reader directly in the eye, and issues a challenge that they can't help but rise to. 

Returner's consumer demographic is mostly made up of young travellers in their late teens and early twenties, and the brand's voice and tone match. The copy aims to inspire confidence in the reader, giving two subtle nods of encouragement before going a step further. The message is clear: you've done it before, you know what you're doing, you don’t need somebody to hold your hand while you cross the street. 

Speaking of holding hands - the image above is a not-so-subtle reinforcement for the copy. It recalls the close bonds that are made at summer camp, reminding the reader why they're browsing this particular website in the first place. ​​​​​​​
Here's where the copy really comes to life. Returner's price of £229 is made clear throughout the site - it's their main USP, due to their unique do-it-yourself model. Returner clearly believe they're the best option, and they can prove it. Returner's got nothing to hide - and transparency earns trust. 

Rather than a regular "check out our pricing" call to action, the CTA implores the reader to check underneath Returner's hood, and read the fine print. If anyone clicks the link, they'll land on the pricing page. The first thing they'll see reads Fine print? Sorry, we've got none. 

The body copy supports the headline, further driving home the point. The people behind the brand are Returners too. They're not playing by the rules, and they're trying to stand out from the crowd. They promise no hoodwinks, bamboozles, or tomfoolery - instead, they vow to always make decisions that benefit Returners. 

Lastly, and most importantly, the copy implores the reader to join the movement. In this moment, Returner becomes more than just a simple, cheap option. It transforms into a symbol of resistance against the entire industry - one that any returner would want to join.
As the self-proclaimed "new kids on the block", Returner needed bold website copy that would allow them to be disruptive in their industry. On a small budget, I was able to help Ryan and his small team to quickly gain a reputation as the scrappy, relatable underdogs in a crowded summer camp market. 

By imbuing a confident, relatable attitude, I was able to help Ryan tell his story in a compelling way, giving his business the chance to make a splash. This business is all about Returning customers - and this website transforms customers into fiercely dedicated fans and advocates. If you think the Apple vs. Android debate is fierce, you should meet the Returner crowd. 

The Returner brand is a great example of using honesty and transparency to your advantage. This brand really gets its customers - and the copy helps to prove it. At the very least, Returner serves as a simple reminder.

Before you blindly trust what someone is trying to sell you, you should always, always read the fine print.
The fine print: I can make your brand stand out, too. Find out how at
Always read the fine print.

Always read the fine print.
