Humane Design 
How would you respond as a designer to the issues you have identified?

Thorough issues regarding privacy concerns, information is unknowingly accessible and utilised through social media platforms, which can sometimes feel invading and vulnerable when online. Although privacy settings can be turned on within specific apps such as Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat and Facebook, when using a public platform information will always be accessible, unless it is met with an extreme or dramatic response. With this, we are inhibited through sense making, as over personalised filters and deceptive authority, such as advertising can resurface information that can be very specific and personalised, for example a young teenage girl may experience numerous advertisements within social media platforms from the online clothing store she has just purchased from. 

- Based on human sensitivity, there is a need for meaningful interaction with privacy within social media platforms, which can be done by limiting personal usage, and monitoring what is put out on social media, whilst also considering all privacy settings.

It is important to research and know your audience through social media, so other invading and unsafe methods are not needing to be taken, as it harms the sense making of the consumer. These audiences tend to consist of mostly uneducated and inexperienced teenagers or young adults, as the younger generations are those who are more interactive with social media. The age range of 40 and over have been found to be less tech savvy and less interactive, meaning they lack the audience that tend to fall victim to privacy concerns and issues through social media platforms. As the internet holds 'assumed knowledge', us as a society tend to overly trust what we use and where we enter out details and connections with others.
Humane Design

Humane Design


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