André Loureiro's profile

Amolador Simulator | Unity 2D Project

One of first projects I did for school was a 2D game which I like to call "Amolador Simulator"

Let's call it ASim for short.

ASim followed the life of a regular portuguese "Amolador de facas" in Lisbon. These folks used to wander around on their bicycles, whistling with pan flutes to signalize their arrival. Amoladores usually sold some goods, sharpened knives, fixed tools and toys - they pretty much made themselves useful. I felt really compelled to make a game about this dying profession.  
They always carried everything they needed on their bicicles: a toolbox, a sharpening stone (powered by pedalling their bicycles) and sometimes they even had a parasol.
The game was pretty simple. You wander around on your bike in this small 2D street, looking for work. There were 3 different jobs, each with their different mini-game. You go from door to door to obtain each job.
After completing a Mini-Game, the player would be awarded 50 "escudos", the previous currency from Portugal before Euro. Translated from portuguese, "escudo" means "shield" hence why the coin at the top right corner of the screen has a shield in it. 
I tried to pick up this game again because it means a lot to me, but I haven't had much time lately. I've been developing other parts of the city and testing out different landscapes and views, but this is all done on my free time which is not that much to make any significant progress. Eventually, if I have the fortune (or the bad luck) to have enough time, I'll continue ASim's development and update it much more frequently. There's a gameplay video below of what the project look like in 2019.
(This game is currently not available online)
Thank you so much! Hopefully you will be able to watch a bit more of this game soon!
Amolador Simulator | Unity 2D Project


Amolador Simulator | Unity 2D Project

Student Game Development Project in Unity 3D
