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Manusmriti and the Indian Woman

Manusmriti & the Hindu Woman
A Visual Sociology Project
IN INDIAN mythology Manu is the first man and the legendary author of an important Sanskrit code of law called Manu Samhita and Manu-smriti. The name Manu is linked to the verb "think." Manu is known as the first king. Most rulers of medieval India traced their genealogy back to him.

The Manusmriti, translated smriti of Manu is regarded as an important work of Hindu law and ancient Indian society. It is one of the eighteen Smritis of the Dharmasastra; and is a part of the Smriti literature. It contains laws, rules and codes of conduct to be applied by individuals, communities and nations. Some of these laws codify the Hindu caste system and discuss the "stages of life for a twice-born man". 
It deals with interesting cosmogony, definitions of what is right and fit (dharma), the sacraments, initiation and Vedic study, forms of marriage, hospitality and funerary rites, dietary laws, pollution and purification, rules for women and wives, royal law, many sorts of juridical matters, and also more religious matters, which include donations, rites, the doctrine of karma ("giving-back"), the soul, and punishment in many sorts of hells.
It is one of the most controversial works of Hindu literature owing to its alleged discrimination of women and shudras (based upon western translations). Hindu scholars have however argued that the relevance or awareness of the scripture was not considerable until the British brought it into the limelight as an important Hindu scripture. It is however agreed upon that the scripture doesn't sanction support for outcastes such as Harijans or Chandaals, but bears caste discrimination of Shudras.

This Visual Presentation throws light on the Laws of Manu with respect to the Hindu Woman. It employs the use of Photography with fitting captions to convey some of the most powerful and controversial statements from the Manusmriti.
Manusmriti and the Indian Woman

Manusmriti and the Indian Woman

A visual take on the effects of the Laws of Manu on hindu Women according to Ancient Indian Hindu customs.
