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Daily Task Management App UI/UX

This project was done as a part of class assignment for knowing more about the UI/UX laws, Ubiquitous computing and Gamification .The challenge was to create an User centric App that could manage daily task and projects.
The aim was to create daily task management App following the ubiquitous computing and gamification features that attracts a User. Ubiquitous computing is a concept in software engineering and computer science where computing is made to appear anytime and everywhere.Gamification is a complicated design technique which requires using various game mechanics referring to the interactive UI elements. The main task for designers applying gamification is not to turn the product fully into a game. For this reason, there have been distinguished the effective game mechanics that are commonly used in design
 In order to converge my design into it's context user research was done.It became important to get a qualitative feedback.These feedback helped me a lot to gather valuable data that ultimately reflected in my designs.I compared different experiences an user acquired while using the existing Apps.For this I used direct contact with  friends,family and colleagues.This gave me some qualitative analysis on their user experiences with respective Apps.I have done my quantitative survey through social media and survey results were analysed in google sheets

Based on the survey User Personas were created which encapsulated the research  and helped  to visualize the product in an easier way.It helped to take care of the understanding of the users in terms of the goals and objectives
To generate ideas that can innovate and improve "ENTICER" from other daily task management App,the best ideation method SCAMPER was taken in. SCAMPER is an acronym formed from the abbreviation of: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify (Also magnify and minify), Put to another use , Eliminate, and Reverse. SCAMPER is a lateral thinking technique which challenges the status quo and helps you explore new possibilities.Surprisingly SCAMPER helped to come up with better ideas for easy user experience.I have done SCAMPER on To-Do List. 
Creating Mood board was my next step to come up with an idea how my App interface engages.I want very plane designs that won't compromise with the readability of the App 
To build accessible product,UI(aesthetic) and UX(usability) of designing were followed.First,I simplified the choices for the user by breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps and highlighted recommended options(Hicks Law).Thus gave solution for quick decision making.Touch icons were placed in bottom of the interface that allows them to access quickly(Fitt's Law).Use of existing  models gave similar user experiences so that the user can focus on their task rather than learning new models(Jakob's Law).Based on my studies,I started my ideation to bring my ideas into life.Thus the Flow Map and User Flow were developed
My next step was to create Low Fidelity prototype.Low-fidelity (lo-fi) prototyping is a quick and easy way to translate high-level design concepts into tangible and testable artifacts. Only some or none of the visual attributes of the final live system are captured here.To create Low Fidelity prototype I used Invision.
Based on the  low  fidelity prototypes  Hi-Fidelity prototypes were made.Links in the prototype are made to work via a prototyping tool (XD).All the contents that would appear in the final design are shown here.
This task helped me go through the procedure of an App development in details.The entire process was new experience and enlightened me with the concept of adaptive designs.Doing research in developing an User Centric App gave new idea.
Daily Task Management App UI/UX


Daily Task Management App UI/UX

UI/UX,Ubiquitous computing
