I was given permission to work on a different prompt for the Bound Book project. I choose to tell the story of a movie through the spreads of the book. I choose the movie "Parasite" a South Korean film that won and academy award for best picture. 

The movie takes place in two locations and follows two polar-opposite families. One family is living in the basement house of a economically declining neighborhood and the other family is in a posh and wealthy suburban neighborhood in South Korea. 
My Idea was to take models of the floor-plan of both of the houses and have the poor house on the left and the rich house on the right. Each spread captures a specific point in the movie that is important. while each of the houses stays in the same place: the time of day, weather, lights, and people change through each of the spreads.
Bound Book

Bound Book

An illustrative book based on and inspired by the movie.
