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Benefits of training

In this highly competitive climate for hiring top talent, a robust employee training and development programme goes to line you apart in your industry. But training and development aren’t just useful for hiring the proper people, it’s useful for retaining them too. And growing profit for your business!

According to LinkedIn’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report:

“80% of learning and development professionals (L&D pros) agree that developing employees is top-of-mind for the chief team. Yet L&D pros are challenged with limited budgets, small teams, and a niche in demonstrating return on investment (ROI). To tackle these challenges, L&D must demonstrate business impact.”

Creating training video production is one among the foremost effective ways to develop your team, both in terms of cost and engagement. during this article, we’re getting to take a glance at 10 reasons to use video for employee training and development…

1. It Keeps Costs Down

Here’s a stat for you:

85% of each dollar spent on classroom training is spent delivering it.

This means that once you invest in classroom training, you’re spending more on instructor time and travel costs than you're on the particular training materials.

With video, you don’t got to pay anyone to deliver your employee training, you merely press play. And there’s no need for your employees to travel either. they will watch training and development videos from the comfort of their own desks.

In addition to those cost-saving benefits (as if that wasn’t already enough!), once you invest in training videos, you’re only paying once for a source that you simply can use endlessly. When Microsoft decided to use video rather than classroom training, their costs reduced from $320 per person to only $17 per person. Over 3 years, the entire costs saved amounted to about $13.9 million PER YEAR!

2. Better Engagement

Ever since visual media was invented, it's been at the highest of everyone’s list for consumption of entertainment. Just think of: “Video killed the radio star”, or whenever you heard someone say: “Why read the book once you can watch the movie?”

People just enjoy videos more. consistent with Forrester Research, employees are 75% more likely to observe a video than to read documents, emails, or web articles. rock bottom line is: if you would like your employees to interact together with your training, you would like to form it interesting, and videos are far more likely to stay their attention than basic text documents or classroom lectures.

3. Increased Retention

When you allocate budget and time to training your team, you would like to form sure they remember what they learnt. Unfortunately, a study from the SAVO Group found that just 7 days after a training session, the typical employee will have forgotten 65% of the fabric covered, and after 6 months the amount increases to 90%.

However, once you pair relevant visuals with learning information, retention levels rise to a powerful 65%. So video is really proven to be more memorable than other training materials. It is sensible once you consider that folks tend to recollect only 20% of what they read, compared to 80% of what they see and do.

4. It’s Versatile

Video may be a versatile medium. There are numerous different styles – animation, stop-motion, live-action – and a spread of the way you'll tell your story or get your message across. But videos also can be versatile in their purpose too. When it involves employee training and development, videos are often used for:

Introducing new products and services
Demonstrating a replacement system or software
Continuous professional development
Improving customer service skills
By embracing video into your employee training and development programme, over time you'll have a library of visual resources that you simply can ask for a spread of various purposes.

5. It’s Measurable

When you hold classroom training for your team or hand them written training and development materials, how are you able to make certain that they really read and/or digested the information?

Video makes it easy to trace and measure the effectiveness of your training because through your video hosting provider you'll have access to metrics like number of views and whether or not the video has been viewed all of the way through.

If you create an interactive video, you'll also measure your employees’ level of engagement together with your training, which brings us onto our next reason…

6. you'll Make it Interactive

Interactive video is on the increase , with 28% of marketers planning on using it in 2020. It’s perfect for employee training and development because it are often tailored to whoever is watching. this suggests that folks in management roles don’t got to watch an equivalent training as entry-level employees. Take a glance at this Deloitte video for a few inspiration.

Although this is often more of a ‘company culture’ video, it gives you a feel of how you'll use interactive video to coach your team.

If you ask questions, just like the above, you'll also record your employees’ answers to ascertain who is performing the simplest and who needs a touch little bit of extra help.

7. Everyone Gets an equivalent Experience

If you send one half your team for classroom training on Monday and therefore the next half on Tuesday, those two groups won't have an equivalent learning experience. The team on Monday might be less engaged because they’re still brooding about the weekend, the Tuesday team could have the office clown with them who distracts others, there might be a special teacher on every day – the list of variables is practically endless!

One of the simplest ways to make sure that everybody gets an equivalent training experience is to make a video that covers all of the acceptable training and development topics that you simply want to travel over.

8. you'll Break Down Complicated Information

Video may be a useful gizmo for breaking down complex information and concepts and explaining them with the utilization of straightforward , easy to know , visuals. As an animated explainer video company, we all know first-hand how complicated or dry topics are often made clear with the assistance of some engaging graphics.

In addition to having the ability to interrupt down information, videos also can be made continuously available, so if anyone missed some extent or wants to travel back and revise what they learnt, they can! this is often much easier (and cheaper!) than re-organising a training presentation or classroom session.

9. Easy Onboarding

Did you recognize that when companies have a well-executed onboarding process that their employees have a better job satisfaction rating, greater organizational commitment, and a mean employee retention rate of 86%?

It just goes to point out how an excellent first impression can really make a difference!

On the surface, using video to onboard new employees is awesome due to the points we’ve already mentioned – it saves costs, it increases engagement, and so on. But it also allows you to infuse your company’s personality into the training and make what's usually a frightening experience far more fun and memorable.

If you actually want to showcase your company culture, you'll have existing employees star in your videos.

10. It’s Accessible

Whether you've got 10 employees, or 100, it are often difficult getting everyone within the same place at an equivalent time. If you would like to visit a teacher or a training facility, it are often even harder , because then you've got to think about travel costs and compute how most are getting to get there.

Even if you are doing your own classroom training in-house, it are often difficult to form your learning materials accessible to everyone, because everyone learns at a special rate and has varying levels of experience .

When you’re training an enormous group, it are often easy for workers to miss something, and not most are comfortable stopping the trainer to ask him or her to repeat something. This leads to critical information being missed and therefore the training becomes an enormous waste of everyone’s time (and your money!).

With video, you'll eliminate that problem. Everyone on your team can watch (and re-watch if they have to) at their own pace until they understand the content or topic at hand.

Next Steps

So now you recognize all of the good reasons to use video for employee training and development, and you’re probably excited to urge started on creating your own. But there are a few of belongings you should believe first, such as:

What style would be best?
What do you have to focus on?
What makes an honest training video?

Benefits of training


Benefits of training

Training Video


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