My submission for the "United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19".

After trying to shoehorn in who knows how many ideas that were just images I wanted to do, I finally sat outside and just sort of sketched, and this idea came to me.

Everything was cut out of paper, except the little viruses- I cut one of those out, then used photoshop to copy+paste them and change the shades to increase legibility.

All in all the actual cutting and combining took about 4 hours of just blade to paper, and I'm so happy with the result.

Not only does it look pretty good, it's unique, and I feel like it's something that can be considered "me".
A few pictures of the various pieces that I cut out, for the final work and some failed design attempts.

COVID-19: Mask Up!

COVID-19: Mask Up!
