Ford Filomeno's profile

BCB Group company profile – video, effect breakdown

BCB Group is a creative production team specializing in corporate communications—training videos, sales videos, company AVPs, operations manual, and many more!
Breakdown of the logo alpha close in the end sequence, at 01.11
This one just changes the track matte to create alpha (transparent) channels (parts). The one with no track matte fades out, revealing the one with alpha invert.

1. Change track matte to alpha invert. The black parts of the layer above it will become transparent. See screenshot below.
Start animate
2. Immediately after opacity change, the scale changes to "enter" the logo. The logo layer is parented to a null which has the changing scale. Note the drastic change in the scale of the null layer.
End animate
3. This then gets imported to Premiere as a dynamic link (as usual). Then, all of that is reversed so that instead of "entering" into the logo, it does the opposite. Note the -100 speed of the nested sequence, indicating the reversed speed.
The nested sequence "End frame" from above contains the Ae composition with the effect.
Some stills:
BCB Group company profile – video, effect breakdown

BCB Group company profile – video, effect breakdown

A creative production team specializing in corporate communications—training videos, sales videos, company AVPs, operations manual, and many more Read More


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