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Video wall for AL-GHAD TV news channel
the life over mars

Planet Earth has ended 70% of its supposed life so far, according to scientists, and although the end may seem far away, scientists have begun preparing for the moment that life on our earth stops looking for an alternative homeland.
Through this spacecraft - imaginative of course - we travel on an unusual journey to one of the proposed alternative homelands of Earth and this journey takes more than six months in the time of our planet ..
From space after millions of years, this will be the shape of the planet earth after the water evaporates from it and lives its last days before being swallowed by the sun, which is likely to be enlarged at this time ..
At that time, the distance between the Sun and the planet Mars that we land on will now be similar to the current distance between Earth and the Sun, making it the center of the habitable region for at least another six billion years.
Now that our craft has landed on the Red Planet, we see together the fine details of how life might be here.
Starting from the shape of the houses, in the view of "Steve Napitrank" author "How will we live on Mars?" The houses will be designed in the form of a brick hut, with a capacity for one bed, a computer desk, and a space for planting plants.
The house produces self-oxygen and supplies its inhabitants with water by absorbing saturated Mars air with a humidity of about 100 percent.
"Moving to Mars" design exhibition is also a visualization of potential housing environments on Mars more advanced than Napetrank ..
According to the reports, the planet's potential residents will need special clothing that will withstand the living conditions there and may be worn for months or even years.
Despite the designs and imaginations that we have prepared, the landing of humans on Mars is still a distant aspiration. So far, Mars has been explored by robots only.
The current mission of the current Curiosity Rover robot is most important to determine the ability of Mars to contain life, whether present or past, and the second task is to learn more.
On the environment of the Red Planet by taking pictures of soil and rocks and sending them for analysis.
Robotic missions continue until the 1930s, and then NASA launches its first manned mission to Mars.

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Video wall for AL-GHAD TV news channel life over mars
