Tom Schreiter (American author of books on network marketing,lecturer)- divides people into 4 colors: red, yellow, blue and green. Each of these types has its own understanding, representation and behavior. And each of these types perceives and understands its own language. Therefore, you need to understand what language your partner, friend or just a companion will be in. I suggest to get acquainted with each of them:
Calm color types:       
1."Yellow": Constantly take care of someone and try to help others. For this their all like. Absolutely non-confrontational. Do not like to impose their opinion. Love to belong to the team. Always ready to listen and sympathize. Love to hug, even strangers. They can't refuse, even to their own detriment. Do not dare to take responsibility.   
2.The greens: Researchers and thinkers. To any business approach very responsibly. They like to calculate everything and act according to the plan. Scrupulously study all the facts and details. They prefer logic to emotion and love precision. Not too fond of company. "Antibemusic" and "hermits".Do not look bright personalities and charismatic.For fear of error long to make decisions. More thinking than acting. They have difficulty communicating with people.
Energetic colortype:
3."Blue":" Soul " companies, with them always fun. Love new people and all new. Love travel and adventure. Constantly and quickly say. Like to finish for the interlocutor. In conversation, jump from topic to topic. Not listen to other-say themselves. More acting than thinking. Rarely lead to complete the job.
4."Reds": Natural organizers. They like to lead and give instructions. Decisions are made quickly. They love competitions and contests. Love recognition and victory. Speak indisputably. Not afraid to go to the conflict. Tend to win at all costs. They think they're never wrong. Listen to others do not like- " they know everything."
Of course, a person can successfully combine many properties and not his "color". So think about what type you are? The person next to you? Your family and friends? Your boss? And at all people, which You surround, and will try to speak on their language! And ask them these questions. So it will be easier and easier, And you'll understand each other better!
"4 colors of personality"


"4 colors of personality"
