For this project, I portrayed young people in Berlin and asked them to use simple visual aids to show the challenges and thoughts they face in everyday life. They often ask themselves questions about self-image, relationships and social issues that affect their lives. How do others see me? How do I want to appear on social media? Will I be well received? What can I do against bullying and discrimination?

The portraits were created 2019-2020 as part of the course at Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie and were exhibited at Bethanien, Berlin in February 2020. The series was developed within the media project Meinungsmacher.innen.
Berlin Teens

Berlin Teens

Wie sehen sie mich? Wie möchte ich in den sozialen Medien aussehen? Werde ich gut ankommen? Was kann ich gegen Mobbing und Diskriminierung tun? W Read More
