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Watercolour “Little Women” Illustrations. Part I

 “Little Women” Illustrations
 Part I
I have illustrated the American classic children’s book “Little Women” written by Louisa May Alkott for the Russian publishing house AST. It’s been a really big project resulting in over a hundred works, including page and half-page size illustrations, headers and other drawings. I've been working on it longer than six months, within which the book has developed into my own personal bible, while the four main characters have become like real sisters to me.
When I read “Little Women” for the first time I realized that I would like to create a very detailed visual world, which would require considerable time and effort from the reader (viewer) to explore. I wanted the illustrations to contain a lot of nuances, textures and patterns.
The novel isn't very well known in Russia, so I hope that my illustrations will help local young girls to discover this lovely book for themselves.
All illustrations are watercolours and white ink on Fabriano paper.
The book will be published in Summer 2014.
This is just the first part, more to come.
Please enjoy!
Sketches and the Process
To be continued...
Illustration: Elena Bulay
Photo: Elena Bulay
(Co) Elena Bulay
(Co) AST Publishing House

Watercolour “Little Women” Illustrations. Part I

Watercolour “Little Women” Illustrations. Part I

Watercolour illustrations for classic children’s book “Little Women” written by Louisa May Alkott for the Russian publishing house AST. The book Read More
