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La Jolla engagement photos - Ryan + katie

A few weeks back we hit our favorite beach in La Jolla and couldn’t have asked for a better time of the month to take Ryan and Katie’s engagement photos. The tide was at an all time low which exposed all of the cliffs and parts of reef which allowed us to walk out to the tide pools. Here’s a look back at their shoot!
Whenever we have the chance to shoot here at Windan Sea we take full advantage of it! It seems every single time we come to this spot it looks different from the last. It can be a matter of days and the way the tide hits it drastically changes the look. It was so fun exploring and taking in the beauty with Ryan and Katie. Hope you enjoyed our blog on their recent engagement photos at the beach, here are a few words from them both leading up to planning for their wedding.

Let’s start at the beginning. How did you two first meet?
A: Katie will take this one! We met in 2014 after both moving to Manhattan Beach after college. I worked at Free People and this cute guy (Ryan) worked next door at a store called Marine Layer. He came in to borrow a stapler, and I fumbled over the words “yah totally!”. Over the next month we each went into the other’s store to “borrow” office supplies until I couldn’t take it anymore, made him cookies, and asked for his number... the rest is history. Cookies really are the key to my heart - Ryan.

What makes your relationship special? Tell us some things that you both value in your time together. (example: pushing each other to new limits, love to travel, huge comic book fans, foodies, etc.) What makes your relationship unique?

A: We have a really unique set of role models in both of our families. Ryan’s parents (married 30 yrs) show us how fun and full of love our lives can be - this brings out our spontaneous and carefree side. Whether it’s driving up the coast for the weekend or binge watching a show on a Sunday we are never not laughing when we are together. Katie’s parents (married 52 yrs) are such an inspiring example of a lifetime of love. The stability and companionship they show on a daily basis gives us hope and excitement to follow in their footsteps and continue to love each other every day.

Ryan - It’s hard to just pick one moment that made me realize Katie was the one for me. I can think of two moments that really stood out to me and I’ll never forget. Our first date was after work at a dive bar down the street. I think I might have came across as “cool”, but truly I was a hot mess on the inside. After a couple beers, jokes, and life stories I was hooked. I think we talked from 10pm til last call (2am). I can’t remember the last time I smiled that much in one night. The second moment that stood out is when I started to pick up soccer again in my free time. Katie understood how important it was to me and showed up to my apartment with a box of new Nike cleats and hot pink soccer socks. We went to the field and played soccer for a couple hours. While her fear to actually kick the ball might have affected her game, she made it a priority to try something important to me and that is love. Also she looked super cute in the pink soccer socks.     

 Katie- I’m not entirely sure there’s one moment I can pin point as the one when I knew. It’s more of this overwhelming feeling I started to get about 6 months into our relationship thats grown more and more over the years. I had flown to Chicago for a weekend the spring after we started dating, little did I know Ryan had already been in touch with all my friends back there planning to surprise me since it was my birthday weekend. Half way through the night he walked into the bar we were at and my jaw dropped to the floor. The amount of planning, effort, care, and love that went into that moment blew me away. Since then I’ve seen all of those things replicated in every minute we spend together, and although I didn’t recognize it in that moment I know now that that’s what all of this is about, and I’m the luckiest.

Give us all the details about the proposal. How and where did it happen? Was it a surprise? What was the planning process?

A: Ryan - The engagement day. So much fun. After a few weeks of designing her engagement ring with a little detective work from her sister, I knew we had to have a special day to pop the question and celebrate. It was around 11am on August 17th after a night out with friends. I forced her to get out of bed and go on a mini hike in Palos Verdes so I could “shoot some new film I just bought”. This is the same hike spot we went to on our 3rd date. After some serious negotiation and a pit stop for French fries, we finally made it. She had no clue what was coming. I finally got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She was so shocked and of course the waterworks started coming after the realization. She got on her knees to meet me for a kiss and said Yes! My sister and brother in law (a photographer) are amazing and offered to literally hide in some bushes nearby and capture it all. Katie and I enjoyed the moment to ourselves before I whisked her away to her sisters house where both of our families were waiting. What she didn’t know was that I coordinated with her closest friends who lived in Chicago, London, and beyond to fly into surprise her and celebrate with us as well. Our hearts were beyond full that day and we felt and still feel very lucky to have the support of our family and friends.

Are you excited to start planning your wedding day? Do you have any ideas in mind yet?

A: I’m definitely that girl who has been dreaming about her wedding since she was little. The dress, florals, linens etc are all things I’ve thought endlessly about growing up. What occupies my day dreams now are more thoughts about what this weekend is shaping up to be - a big celebration of love with our most favorite people and the life beyond we get to share together.
La Jolla engagement photos - Ryan + katie

La Jolla engagement photos - Ryan + katie

Every time we shoot here, the beaches look completely different. We took full advantage of low tide with Ryan Beaudry & katie kelly hitting the e Read More
