ENOUGH is an integrated guerrilla campaign aimed at energizing the next generation to vote to be heard. Including a newspaper zine available to both individuals and educational institutions that doubles as a series of protest posters, a voting guide, an AR social media filter, and more, this campaign targets the youth voting demographic from multiple angles.

The tone of the project targets a new audience – rather than going upbeat or preachy, ENOUGH is openly cynical and dry in its tone. Taking this approach targets a disengaged audience: the one that doesn’t WANT to vote, and the one that really needs to in order for the next generation to start re-distributing the political power in our country. We’re here to take back the power that we so often see resting in one set of hands, because democracy is about the people.
The main element of the project is a newspaper zine, which is available for bulk institutional purchasing as well as individual. The zine is filled with information about voting, a state-by-state summary of voting rights, other ways to make your voice heard, inspiring youth activists, and more.

A bold, vibrant, and youthful design system was implemented, inspired by punk zines and subculture aesthetic, including clean bright color with modern, loud typography, historical imagery, and grungy textures and torn paper effects, overall really leaning into the guerrilla aspect of the campaign and carrying this forward visually while still concentrating on function and usability.

The color palette is a twist on the classic red, white, and blue, and by using a type family with multiple weights and widths — combined with a retro sign painter’s font and a hefty slab serif — a broad yet defined system emerged, functioning effectively across print and screen platforms including the zine, web and mobile sites, and social media.
Included with each zine is a handful of buttons in two designs, clear die-cut stickers (we’ve got our eyes on bathroom mirrors), and additional resources and ways to spread the word.

In addition to the toolkit, posters advertising the project could be temporarily wheat-pasted around cities to direct students, parents, and educators to the website, where they can learn more about the project and purchase their copy of the zine. Institutional rates are available to schools looking to order in bulk and disseminate to the student population.
To market the project, a Snapchat filter and web and mobile sites were designed using the same brand language across a variety of platforms, specifically chosen to best target the primary audience.
The prototyped desktop website is accessible here.


ENOUGH is a guerrilla campaign aimed at getting young people ages 16-18 to register to vote, regardless of political leaning. Complete with a new Read More
