Sak.AI QC Logo - Designed by Jay Angelo Pineda
Sak.AI QC is a community initiative project of Whiz Philippines together with the QC Local Government and Kaya Natin Movement. Commuting in Quezon City made easy with your friendly Artificial I empowered bot. No need to install other mobile app. We got you covered with all transit directions in Quezon City: Jeepneys, UV express, P2P, busses, trains, tricycles and more!

Travelling to and fro is a dreadful experience in the Philippines, particularly in Quezon City. Gridlock is a day-to-day real fact and traffic problems are compounded by a coherent mass transportation system. It is even tougher when going to an unfamiliar place for the first time; public transportation providers and their respective routes aren’t easily accessible. While navigation apps, for instance waze and google maps have escalated their game, the routes they supply are only the formal variety such as buses and trains. This is the problem Sak.AI QC would like to address.

In participation to the objectives of the city government to promote a world class Quezon City, we opt to maximize the full potential of the resources (such as free wifi) and feasible technology. Sak.AI QC (came from the word sakay means to ride or aboard) a community initiative project developed for the commuters.

The bot provides users a means to figure out the finest route from Point A to Point B, but localized. The chatbot will provide train and bus routes, similar to Google Maps, however it also covers the common, esoteric forms of Philippine transportation: Jeepneys, Point-to-Point Buses, and UV Express.​

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Sak.AI QC - ang iyong gabay sa pag-sakay!


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