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Une saison graphique

Une saison graphique
Hypothetical project

« Une saison Graphique » is a French festival based in Le Havre which speaks about graphic design, 
exploring color and shapes.
Le Havre is at this moment the biggest harbor of France and is a symbol of the industrialization since 1930.

For this project, the mainly constraint was to create a poster with only volums (same for the typography except for logos), exploring different materials, textures and way to imagine a volum poster.

Inspired by the work of Karel Martens with his alphabet of color rectangular forms, we have created this poster with the initial of Le Havre and the 11 in reference of the 11th edition of this festival.

In collaboration with Titouan Lorinquer.
Thanks for watching !
Une saison graphique

Une saison graphique

« Une saison Graphique » is a French festival based in Le Havre which speaks about graphic design,  exploring color and shapes.
