Lagina Hyman's profile

April Greiman Piece

This was my mock-up that I created in Adobe Photoshop.

To my own discovery, Ms. April Greiman used simple words in her presentation piece that I chose to use to explain her tone and reasonable mood behind this certain type of design. Yes, the imagery has a perfect visual representation and it is clear and to a mighty crisp and  legible for others to read and process. The element of this piece that is particularly important would have to be the heart in the center of the picture set to be the main focus or symbol of the design and how it flows as the base and the words of the piece tell how it connects with the graphic designer’s perspective on the topic of how graphic design has to connect both from the heart for it to work along with the brain. I feel that a physical mock-up of this piece would have been better for context for outsiders to understand what it is all about because it would give a visual on how people have to rethink on their feelings on what one part of their body the (heart) may feel some type of way and as for the (brain) they might being going in the opposite direction, making it harder to stay focus and be able to find the connection needed to give a powerful creation when making any new design pieces or artwork in the nearby future.
April Greiman Piece

April Greiman Piece
