Marilena Kouvidi's profile

Thessaloniki through fragments, SKG Festival 2019

This installation takes as its point of departure the Kapani Arcade as it bears traces of several epochs, temporalities and experiences of the city of Thessaloniki. Our aim is to bring to the fore these traces through an intermedia art project which uses image reconstruction, sounds, memories and digital data in order to connect the present of the city to its lived history through visual representations. The background is a three-dimensional photogrammetric walk through of the city created with projection mapping. Scenes and figures that could have been encountered in the city across its history, taken from 19th and 20th century paintings, are projected in the foreground. 

Moving slowly, the figures come to life and invite the viewer to listen to them. Through the red funnels that are connected to the figures’ mouths, the viewer will listen stories about Thessaloniki from different historical periods. The narrating voice will be almost whispering, inviting to viewer to get closer in order to share and experience the stories in an intimate way.
by 3+2:
Marilena Kouvidi 
project coordinator - projection mapping video
Nike Dimopoulou - Melina Analyti 
set design - Sound art production   
Dimitris Baltas 
programming - lighting
Nikolas Konstantinou 
audiovisual engineering
Μaria Ioannidou 
production assistant - sound art production   
George Giatas
Irini Zeri, Stamatia Kagelari, Dimitris Mamios 
Special thanks to Theoni Fotopoulou
Thessaloniki through fragments, SKG Festival 2019

Thessaloniki through fragments, SKG Festival 2019
