Clarisse Lisen's profile

Video Game Magazine Mockup

My finals submission for my Advertising Production class (2019)
We were given a project to publish a 16-page magazine as a trio, pair or individual; I functioned as the latter.
It is a requirement to photograph, art direct, or illustrate the cover page by ourselves and was not allowed to use articles that were not our own (except images since we didn't have time as graduating students, as long as owners are given credit)
Magazine name and topics were also up to us.

I suppose it was quite obvious how rushed the project looks. The layout is also a bit cramped. But I learned alot from this course.
Professor:               Sir Radel Paredes
Course:                  AA 322 - Advertising Production 2
Magazine Name:     GG!
Magazine Topic:      Video Games (Philippine-focused)

The Magazine Cover Process
I initially started with a simple sketch of a girl holding a console controller.
I chose this imagery because, as I did some research on the local gaming community, the majority was consist of males who enjoy Japanese animation and female characters drawn in a similar art style; so do the females in the community.

After coloring and submitting the initial cover, my professor advised me to add more details and perhaps use different art styles of the same genre. Unfortunately, I was not able to take snippets or screenshots of my process before coming up with the final cover as this was a rushed project.

Below is the 3 different stages of the cover:

Below the final cover page beside the envelope I placed it in upon my final submission.

Video Game Magazine Mockup


Video Game Magazine Mockup

My finals submission for my Advertising Production class. We were given a project to publish a 16-page magazine as a trio, pair or individual; I Read More
