Joycelyn Leong's profile

SIP (Social Innovation Park) & Branding

This logo/branding represents the connection in the community of Social Innovation Park and it also made it to the final round of selection.  The logo is made up of cylindrical shapes which looks like pipes and by connecting each pipes together and making up the word SIP, it shows there’s a continous flow somewhat like a blood circulation system. It also shows that SIP is a hub for everyone to connect together, share and implement new ideas. The colors that are intergrated into the logo are bright blue, yellow, indigo, amber and bright red. These colors represents high spirits, innovation, energy, visionary and dynamism. 

Why enhancing? Because when we use primary colors like red, yellow, blue, we can mix out secondary colors and from secondary colors we can mix out tertiary colors and so on, therefore the colors that were used are not opaque but translucent so it can create a new color and it “enhances” itself. By doing this, it shows that despite SIP being a connected community, it will always be enhancing itself.
SIP (Social Innovation Park) & Branding

SIP (Social Innovation Park) & Branding
