With 2010 having come and gone, it was in and of itself yet another
very interesting year, a tad bit more so than previous years of recent history. In the end though, it had treated me well… in a roundabout way. Most of all ...I was able to expand my own distinct and creative way of seeing people, places and things. And even more so, to convey and share that with others. So…to get a glimpse into my year’s journeys, I invite you to view some of the best photographs from my commercial assignments as well as personal fine art photography work of 2010.

The following presentation shows photographs from my commercial architectural photography assignments, advertising photography assignments, event photography assignments as well as my personal fine art photography. Thank you for your interest in my work.

Enjoy…and for all of us, to a MAGICAL 2011!


This presentation shows some of my best photographs of 2010 from my architectural photography assignments, advertising and event photography assi Read More
