These are the Illustrations I made last year based on the incidents that took place in our country and were very disturbing. This was my bit in raising awareness regarding those issues and expressing how horrid they were.
I' m a human before a Woman
This was a project done on the occassion of Women's Day 2019
Here's a try to voice today's women's feelings...

Stop calling me wonderwomen
And feeding me lies,
About how I am beautiful
When you look at me with judgement in your eyes.

Stop calling me superwoman
And telling me I am strong,
When you are the one bending rules
And doing everything wrong.

Stop labelling me as
Innocent or whore,
If you crush my identity
I won't ignore.

I don't need your sympathy
It's my life I can cope,
Show some humanity
Don't tear away my hope.

Before being a man or woman
We all are humans,
Lets not forget that
Humanity is the vision.

Lets meet halfway,
Stop celebrating women's day.
Because when everyone's equal
Then why publicize a special day?

You and I
Men and women
Everyone deserves to be known
Only by their vision.

So lets not
Celebrate women's day
Just for the name say,
Lets make world better
And everyday
A human day.

This project was done in collaboration with writer and blogger Jyoti Singh.
Words by: Jyoti Singh
You can find her on Instagram @offthecuffwriter

Swapping Roles
This is a series of illustrations I made in Dec'19 when the Hyderabad Rape incident moved the whole country.
Swapping Roles.....
 Humanity  Animality....

Animals have nowadays started understanding humans. They can feel us even if we don't speak. But somewhere humans only don't understand other humans even if they shout out whatever they want to convey.

Of all the beings, Humans were said to be most superior being on Earth. It was mainly because they were socializing beings who not only could understand their own feelings but also of others around. They were sensitive and always thought of consequences before taking any action. But somewhere we as humans have lost this power which was gifted to us. The power of goodness and  thinking. We are going back the same way we came. I know change is constant but let's evolve than dissolve. Let's bring a change. A good change.

This illustration was made when the country saw the very dreadful incident of Pulwama where 40 CRPF personnel were attacked by terrorist. This illustration says that the candles which people light as a respect to the martyred are not the sign of defeat but these are the blessings and love that have the power to burn the pyre of the terrorists.   
Do let me know if you like it!
Will be looking forward to feedback and insights!


Here's a try to sensitize the people
