Lewisburg Poster 
A Passion Project and Homage to my Best Friends
10" x 14"

The idea to create something to commemorate the union of two of my closest friends had been floating around my mind since their wedding in September 2018. My goal was not only to capture one of the most beautiful moments of their special day, but also who they are as people.

The concept I came up with was to recreate the sunset that occurred during their reception in a style inspired by the WPA National Parks posters of the '30s and '40s. The wedding ceremony itself was moved indoors last-minute due to rain in the area from remnants of Hurricane Florence, but the clouds from the storm ended up giving us an amazing sunset later on (and the rain ended up holding off entirely). The wedding took place in Lewisburg, West Virginia, where the bride grew up, and the groom hails from Virginia. They moved to western Washington state in 2017, so making something to remind them of home was a must. They're both extremely earthy and outdoorsy people—the groom is a forester to boot—so I knew they'd appreciate the nod to the vintage National Parks posters. Lastly, the typography was inspired by the bride's love of all things Art Nouveau.

Lewisburg Poster

Lewisburg Poster

A poster created to commemorate the union of my best friends.
