Colton Carthel's profile

Hope Against Hunger InfoGraphic Poster

Hope Against Hunger
InfoGraphic Poster
This poster was designed to be used within an expo to communicate the identity and mission of Breedlove Foods Inc.  
I wanted to show that Breedlove's food is manufactured as food-aid, but I also wanted to express that they are the manufacturer, not the distributor.  So I created a simple silhouette of a man distributing the food in the background, but used one of the manufacturer's packaging machines in the foreground with a pipe as a border.
I also wanted to visually express Breedlove's mission, so I created a line graph of the "% population in poverty" of different countries their food is distributed within as the background of the flier.
Poster 2
The client wasn't fully sold on the machinery in the foreground, so I created a second poster using a photo of the food being distributed.  The photo was taken from a simple point-and-shoot camera and had a very distracting background, so a did some editing to make the children fit into the foreground of the poster.
Hope Against Hunger InfoGraphic Poster

Hope Against Hunger InfoGraphic Poster

Create a poster to be used at an expo that will express the mission of the client, Breedlove Foods, in a visually dynamic infographic.
