Commander Jeffrey Wonderstar was a brave and intrepid explorer who constantly roamed the seven seas, with the help of his loyal crewmates. He could often be seen riding atop the front of the mast of his esteemed ship, the Cutlass Bounty, a powerful vessel that could outmaneuver any competition that may be placed against it.  He worked had everyday to ensure that his mind, body and career were constantly at the top of their potential, and able to travel even further.

As an intrepid, brave and resilient officer, Jeffrey was always willing to be the first to enter a dangerous situation or location ahead of his crew, as to ensure that it would be safe for the rest of his men to pass through and join him.
This often garnered him acclaim from both the men and women on his ship, plus those who heard of his stories, as it showed him to be a kind, daring yet cunning individual who always looked out for those who worked around him. By the time he was in his mid-20s, Wonderstar was a rich, powerful, athletic figure among the various ports and towns he visited on a yearly basis. He was  human at the top of his performance.

One day whilst visiting a  island that a prior sea-scout had detected the day beforehand, he and his crew discovered a large mountain. Allowing his crew a break to prepare for the main climb, he himself decided to venture up the mountain alone to pass the time and survey the area before heading back down. For half an hour, he bravely climbed the rocky and bumpy terrain with little challenge, and was soon able to reach the top. 

From the angle he was standing at, he could see a multitude of trees among the jungles the covered the island, and the setting sun behind it that slowly submerged itself between the thin gaps between the leaves of the canopy. The radiant light shone out at multiple different angles upon Wonderstar, submerging him and the rest of the island in the warm glow of the giant star. Wonder star smiled and pulled out his sword to raise it into the area as he recognized his accomplishment, not only in traversing up this mountain, but in the very foundations of life and existence itself. He had worked his way to the top, and upon viewing the sun, was reminded only of how much further he could go.

Then whilst turning around to step down the mountain, he slipped on a crab or something, then impaled himself on his own sword by accident.

The end.

