By 2013, tablets were a popular medium for leisurely consuming news and entertainment content. The goal of this exploration was to design a more simplistic and relaxing browsing experience.

USA TODAY's Travel and Life sections typically feature gorgeous media and photo galleries, so I designed larger content promos to accentuate the inspiring visuals. In addition, I experimented with horizontal scrolling and positioned navigational elements at the bottom of the screen for convenient reachable access.

For other news sections, I opted for a more traditional layout that included utility content and easy-to-browse headline list format.
One of the most fun aspects of designing for digital is devising scaleable systems for various screen dimensions. Given the 16:9 aspect ratio of Android tablets at the time, a ten-column grid system for landscape view was ideal for minimal screen redraw when the device was viewed in portrait orientation. Once the grid was determined, I created a content container structure, with generous tap target areas, to provide organization and hierarchy. ​​
USA Today Tablet

USA Today Tablet

By 2013, tablets were a popular medium for leisurely consuming entertainment and news content. The goal of this exploration was to design a more Read More
