Milena Andric's profile

Map and Territory: The space of inexpressible between t

Map and Territory: The space of inexpressible between the game of seduction and body movement

The inspirational starting point of the project were the map, the territory and the idea of Nikola Tesla that emptiness is unawakened matter. The map is a communication tool formed via the inexpressible, in architecture contained in the hidden meaning of the emptiness of space, which further maps out and defines the territory that is determined by special borders. The chosen location is the park below the Belgrade Fortress: an empty space spreading toward the rivers which is juxtaposed to the fortified special border. The project furthermore evolves around the idea of movement, an instrument for translating and redefining the special fullness and emptiness, as well as giving contextual meaning to it. The movement thus becomes the architectural principle: the solid, concrete form and the contents of the programme that are somewhat static and city-oriented are opposed to a fluidly free form on the riverside and an ever-changing programme. The empty space is not determined by the programme, leaving the complexity, hybridity and transformation open. Spaces defined and those not defined by the programme have an active relationship, constantly affecting and changing one another. Not defining one segment potentiated the programme flexibility of the architectural design process.
Map and Territory: The space of inexpressible between t

Map and Territory: The space of inexpressible between t

SUMARRY The project evolves around the ideas of emptiness and movement. The movement is emphasized by the existing emptiness: the solid, concrete Read More
