This is my final major project to conclude the 4 years of my graphic design university course. Only in my last year I decided to get involved with moving image and filming and grew a big appreciation towards it. 
The video is some kind of  artificial synaesthesia experience as it was done in collaboration with 4 people who have audio-visual synaesthesia - the ability to see sound as shapes and colours. 
My basic idea was to visualise music and after researching various approaches towards it I came accross the phenomena of synaesthesia. I thought of it as the perfect visualisation of sound as people actually experience sound through their vision.
All of the footage in the video was recorded with a Canon 60D. The footage consists of various inkblot formations, a process inspired by the Rorschach test (as the test uses inkblots in order to 'read' people's psyche or what is going on in their mind).

The music used in the video is Heatwave by Tosca


This is my final major project to conclude the 4 years of my graphic design university course. Only in my last year I decided to get involved wit Read More
