The term “archive” can be defined as the location and the structure for safeguarding, storing and ordering objects or documents considered important. Therefore « the archive is the precondition for something like history even being able to take place. » [1]
The connection between the photography and the archive is one the central parameter that has governed the uses of photography since its emergence till our post-photographic present. Photography used not as a document or a representation, but as an image, a mark or  a sign of « what has been » (cf. Roland Barthes).
Absence, emptiness and no-incident trace and mark.
[1] Boris Groys, Under suspicion (Unter Verdacht. Eine Phänomenologie der Medien, Munich, 2000, p. 9).
Olimpic games with Sebastian Burgos children. 04.2010
Azheimer center. 2010
20:05 457EN Metropol. Rp - Keleti - Bratislava 16:28
She crosses with the light in red, with her leader bag. 2008
My interest in that issue is materialized through the process of recording events, which have not occurred or have not been captured. Therefore, I realize a taxonomic exercise of not suffered experiences, an attempt of recovery rather than a representation.
Through collecting the last segments of the film, which, for mechanical reasons, have not been correctly exposed to the light, I’m doing an intent of recuperation and archival of what have not taken place, the undone, the unfilled.
Representation of one’s personal lost experienced is recreated in a second time by the reader/spectator through the relation between a taxonomic quotation and the abstraction.
18164 Regional Train. Departure Madrid 15:39. Arrival Valencia 22:15. 11.04.2010
Pablo, Nuria and gipsy children. El Cabañal, Valencia 2009
I ́m back at home and she is ill. She hasn ́t gone at classes. 11.2009
13:00 p.m. Employees room hotel. Aragonese Pyrenees. 01.01.2004
I´d never thourght that I might come back. 2010
Last pictures before going to Budapest. Last pictures together. 08.2010
Again the guy with the heart t-shirt. 02.2009
4:20 p.m. Private dance. Bratislava. 05.05.2011
At the dealer ́s home with his dog. 10.2009
Nuria and Maca. 10.2008
"La invencible" petrol station. 2:00 a.m. Car breakdown. 07.2010
First portrait to a stranger. 01.2009
Last time working with my father. Albacete 07.2009
Paris plage. 08.2011


Representation of one’s personal lost experienced is recreated in a second time by the reader/spectator through the relation between a taxonomic Read More
