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Alexis Khazzam | Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs

Charity is a virtue, but it is one that people need to learn. The best way to encourage young people to embrace philanthropy is to teach them about it and inspire them to help make the world a better place. Many young people already have the drive to do that, but existing philanthropists need to take a few steps to make sure those urges turn into actions.

Talk About It

Talking about philanthropy is the first step on the road to practicing it. After all, young people need to know that it is an option. There are a few different topics to cover. Many people get good results by discussing their motivations for philanthropy, the people that they helped, and what they learned from the experience. It is also essential to listen to young people and learn about the things that they value. Connecting those beliefs to philanthropic efforts is an excellent way to get them interested.

Show Them the Results

It is one thing to talk about improving the world. It is another thing to see those changes. Experienced philanthropists should take the time to explain their previous projects to young people. They should start by explaining why they decided on that project and follow that with proof of the results. That type of explanation proves that people can make a difference in the world. It is best to pick a project that appeals to the student, because that kind of example will create a more significant impression, but almost any impressive and successful example will get the job done.

Get Them Started

Words can only get people so far. They need a chance to build healthy habits and experience the joy that can come from making a difference. People who are already working on philanthropic projects can make a point of bringing young people onto the team. Young people who can make meaningful choices and contribute to the project will get valuable experience that can turn them into better philanthropists. Volunteering in the community can also help. That is a particularly good choice for people who want to get experience on the ground level, or for those whose interests don’t align with any ongoing projects.
Alexis Khazzam | Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs

Alexis Khazzam | Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs
