Maria Timofeeva's profile

November to remember

I saw these guys long before their session. And the pictures immediately came up in my mind 

It was may and we went to the sea with our newly born daughter. A car passed us by and parked near the seafront. They got out and disappeared around the corner.
I told my husband that these two are new here and i like how they look (purple hair and dreadlocks) and want to take some pics for them.

We came to water, it was still freezing, talked and then saw a small cafe with the "Aloha" sign. They served waffles, ice-cream, tea and coffee. 

What was a surprise when i recognized the barista - it was that purple hair girl.

For the next 1.5 year we visited their small cafe every time we came to that place.

and one late october day i wrote her a message "Im coming this friday for 2 days, my camera with me, lets take some pics"

so here you can see the results))

it looks warm and sunny, but in fact, it was 0 degreeCel and (as the sun disappeared) cold stormy wind
November to remember


November to remember

An elopement session near the sea
