Global Warming
Information Design
The basis of this typography assignment was to create a saddle-stitched booklet which employed principles of information design to explain the cause and effects of global warming. The general aesthetic that I was going for is handmade and organic. The majority of the images and info graphics were created using various collage techniques with textures acquired from old National Geographic magazines. Stitching has also been incorporated to reinforce the hand-made feel.

Overall, it was my aim to create a publication that was both visually appealing and informative. The handmade aesthetic is intended to be inviting and non-threatening, presenting rather serious information in a casual, friendly way. The last page of the booklet offers a few suggestions to the reader as to how they can reduce their carbon footprint. It is my hope that the reader would be inspired by the overall look of the booklet, as well as the content, to take the environment into greater consideration.
Global Warming

Global Warming

A 20-page informative booklet describing the cause and effects of global warming. Info graphics were constructed using old National Geographic ma Read More
