MaKenzie Peterson's profile

Business Partnership

Watkins Glen International Internship: Every month the volunteers are sent newsletters to keep them updated on what is happening at the track and to prepare them for the upcoming events. While interning as the Business Partnership Intern I was tasked on creating the newsletters. Below is the first edition I created with a completely new design that is still being used. 
Watkins Glen International Internship: During NASCAR there are many hospitality tents the fans can buy tickets for. I was tasked with creating menus, and an informational board for the guests to use with all the information needed. 
Watkins Glen International Internship: In years past there has been a NASCAR 101 tent that was run by the interns. However, this year the tent/ booth was going to be eliminated. As a way to expand my skills I took on the task of revamping the booth in a way to get the fans more engaged. Therefore, I created Pit Stop, with the help form the Vice President of Marketing and the Public Relations and Marketing team, a booth at NASCAR that had games the whole family could enjoy, and a scavenger hunt on Saturday to be entered into a drawing for a Pre-Race ticket for Sunday's race. With the help of another intern we created the logo and social media call out in Adobe Suite. 
Watkins Glen International Internship: After returning to Watkins Glen International as a Seasonal Sales Associate I was tasked on creating a Sales Deck to pitch to businesses interested in potential sponsorship opportunities for Beer Festival (full deck not included due to confidential information).  
Business Partnership

Business Partnership


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