Auckland Event 

Our event will be held at Auckland Viaduct. We will have 4 basketball hoops set up with different colours which represents 4 different prizes. To join the game, you have to register on the dribbble app first. Each person has 2 chances to make a shot with each hoops.

Pink Hoop - 1 month subscription of Adobe Full Pack.
Purple Hoop - Meetup for famous companies 
Blue Hoop - Free lesson course for beginners 
Green Hoop - Bonus!! voucher for 1 month dribbble pro

We designed a billboard to invite people to the upcoming event and download the app. We came up with the slogan “Hoops! I designed it again” to tie the basketball theme with our even together.
dribbble rebrand

dribbble rebrand

I designed and communicate the inherent value of the Dribbble app through billboard, events and meet up box to gather creative designers to downl Read More
