Meet LARS: 3D Model and Website Design​​​​​​​
A Southern California engineering company has requirements to survey electrified underground vaults to asses the operational condition of the utility assets contained within. Traditional inspections require survey crews of five to ten individuals, significant time to properly ventilate the vault, and power outage notifications distributed to surrounding buildings. Exposure to the underground elements can be hazardous and power shutdowns are expensive disruptions to local businesses. However, it must be done in order to safely access the vaults. In response, Flight Evolved and I developed LiDAR Acquisition Remote System (LARS). LARS is a LiDAR equipped robot that is deployed into vaults deemed otherwise inaccessible. The LiDAR scanner is remotely operated and returns accurate 3D point clouds without requiring a single person to enter the vault. The data allows survey inspectors to reference information from the safety of their desks and has proven extremely valuable to our clients. I am the project lead on the data acquisition, 3D modeling, and content presentations to our customers. I have created customized user-friendly data ingestion methods and animations to explain best practices for data visualization. In addition, I create marketing materials and website landing page designs (above) for the company.

- Maxon's Cinema 4D: 3D model of equipment
- Redshift: Textures and lighting for renders
- Cylclone Register 360: LiDAR processing and exports 
- Autodesk ReCap: LiDAR visualizations
- Adobe Xd: Layout and typography
- Adobe Photoshop: Color correction and final exports
Safety crews ventilate the underground vault and prepare the rover platform for LARS insertion. 
Technicians pose for a picture with LARS.
Sample LiDAR data distributed to customers to demonstrate the capabilities of LIDAR via the LARS platform. The data can be easily viewed in any Autodesk software. Pictured above is a screenshot from Autodesk ReCap.
A 12-column grid was created in Adobe Xd to establish a professional layout and for coding guidance.
LARS was 3D modeled in Cinema 4D. The model can be exported in all traditional formats and is built to scale. Textures were created and rendered using Redshift on a dual 2080 GPU setup.
Meet LARS: 3D Model and Website design​​​​​​​
For more of my designs, visit the Instagram page:


Splash page created to display LiDAR service advertisements created in Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and Xd.
