Title: Life in Amador
Client: Amador, kids entertainment center
The initial request from the client was a video ad that would show the space and features of Kids Entertainment Center and thus lure parents and their children to Amador.
We proposed a more effective approach - to show the desired features and lure the target audience through a story:

In addition to this full version of the film, we created a 30-second TV ad, a 60-second theatrical ad that works nicely with the trailers and overall cinema-feeling, and a 90-second version for social networks.

Here’s a breakdown of our solution and possibilities of further usages of the story as a basis for marketing strategy and events.

The Art of Storytelling.

A kid who magically appeared in a shop and had to find a way to survive, enjoy life and fill it with reason.
Provide himself with necessities like food and shelter. Learn to protect himself from danger. Find meaning, joy and love.
The guard, whom the kid has to avoid. He’s the threat for well-being and the very existence in this world.
The twist.
The whole story was the kid's imagination, due to being so impressed by what Amador has to offer.

The Science of Behavioral Economics.

Salience / Novelty.
The opening image of an old grey Superman with a voice of a child brings instant attention and keeps the viewer from skipping.
The story of a kid having fun, going through ups and downs of life work for both children and their parents.
Affect / Emotional associations.
These are designed for more specific audiences and vary from scene to scene:
- an adorable infant enjoying food that he “obtained himself” triggers recently-became mothers
- a kid hiding from a guard and learning to shoot down targets triggers fathers, who enjoyed stories like “The Goonies”
- a preference towards shooting down Marvel figures but spare a DC figure triggers comics lovers
- a kid dancing “Orange Justice” dance from Fortnite game triggers numerous players who recognize the dance and the music instantly
- a love story is a universal trigger for all genders and ages

Marketing strategy based on the story.

Reviews by the kid who lives in Amador.
Set up a tent on the premise of Amador, design it as if someone actually lives there. Do bi-monthly reviews by the kid, using a selfie video, about what's new in the store - products, entertainments, events...
Platform: social networks. 

A night quest by Amador
Organize night quests for groups of children, that would include search and investigation around the dark/dimly lit interior of Amador with guards with flashlights adding a bit of scare and sense of danger.
Platform: events at the entertainment center.

Sleepover / Pajama party
A pajama party (with potential sleepover if it is legally possible) with organized sleeping spaces/tents in the cinema theater (which exists on the premise) that includes watching movies, reading scary stories, snacks and drinks, dances, etc.
Platform: events at the entertainment center.
Amador Life

Amador Life

A case-study and marketing ideas for Kids Entertainment Center based on a created video story
